This Little Light of Mine Yoga & Inspiration

I am Heather Patsy-lail, a certified yoga instructor through YOGA ALLIANCE, and a student/teacher of yoga. I came to yoga because of a back injury at my office (securities industry/life changer). I believe in the amazing healing power of our bodies and minds, and the indelible truth of the Soul. This is my intention for the encouragement of others; to begin and continue a personal practice. Once one begins to move energy and becomes aware of how much can be healed and cured through this movement and breath work, the answer becomes obvious. We do not have to be on medicine for the rest of our lives and we don’t, in most cases, have to have surgeries that could be well avoided with the sustaining of an intelligent practice. YOU WILL LEARN THIS INTELLIGENCE, THIS STRUCTURE, THIS BODY AWARENESS, SO THAT YOU CAN PRACTICE “ANYWHERE”. YOU WILL KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR S.E.L.F. AND HAVE ALL THE “TOOLS IN YOUR TOOLBOX’ FOR LIFE.
I am a mother, a sister, a friend and a believer. I have experienced it first hand and have read/seen countless stories of others that have been transformed by the practice. I can believe in you but I cannot believe for you. Begin and continue. Your friend, heather